Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals


We welcome enquiries about Baptism at Thatcham United Reformed Church.

Within our tradition in the United Reformed Church, we practise two different types of Baptism:

Infant Baptism where promises are made by the parents on behalf of the child, and

Baptism by profession of faith where you make your own promises (Adult or Believer’s Baptism).

It is usual for baptisms to take place during Morning Worship on the 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month. The child’s family join the regular congregation in Worship and provide the opportunity for the whole church family to welcome the child into the church. An invitation to join the church family after the service for refreshments is extended to all.

Infant Baptism

During the Baptism the child is welcomed into God’s Church and is blessed with water.

Parents will be asked to make the following promises: ‘Do you believe and trust in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit? And Do you promise, trusting in God’s grace, that by prayer and example you will teach him/her the faith of the Gospel and bring your child up in the worship and life of the Church?’

Adult Baptism

Those seeking Adult Baptism, will be asked to make promises of faith and commitment, just as those asked by the parents of children during infant Baptism.

Thanksgiving or Dedication

Some parents may feel that they cannot make the promises made in a service of Infant Baptism and prefer to let their children grow up and decide for themselves whether to be Baptised. Some may not share in the Church’s life, but still wish to thank God for the birth.

A more appropriate service would be the Thanksgiving and Dedication Service. This is a service where thanks are given for the gift of a child and God’s blessing is given to the parents. The parents make promises to love and care for their child and God’s blessing is sought for other family members.

Baptism Enquiries

Those wishing to know more about Baptism at Thatcham United Reformed Church should contact the Baptism Secretary who will arrange to meet with you to discuss commitments and arrangements. They can be contacted here.


The Church welcomes couples who wish to get married in our Church.


If you would like to talk about arranging a funeral or Thanksgiving Service for your loved one, please contact the church.